Holly Bennett Sculptor has been selected as a finalist for the Creative Bath Awards 2021!
“The Creative Bath Awards showcase Bath’s brilliant creative and tech businesses and individuals.
Our Awards are tightly contested and greatly prized. Winning a Creative Bath Award is a powerful accolade. The Creative Bath Awards are backed by a long-term marketing campaign through social media, extensive emails and PR. Companies nominate themselves via this site and a panel of independent Judges decides the winners.
The Awards are organised by Creative Bath and are a representation of its main aims: to support local creative and tech companies; to share creative excellence, helping the sector to thrive; and to highlight that Bath is a leading creative city.
We have created something no other city has; an inspiring and public celebration of creativity: the Creative Bath Awards!
This is the most high profile, prominent Awards event, promoting the regional creative, tech and cultural sector. It’s our creative playground, nature’s blank canvas to colour as we wish. This is one of Bath’s fastest-growing and economically important sectors. It’s hugely valuable to the city, great for employment and superb for Bath’s reputation.”